Turkish Neuroendocrinology Society (TNED) was constituted and formally launched on April 22nd 2008 in Istanbul, TURKEY. TNED has a constitution and functions under the Turkish act # 5253.
TNED is a multidisciplinary organization and fully committed to see promotion of the discipline of neuroendocrinology in Turkey. It aims to enhance collaboration among researchers both at the national and international level.
The society currently has 110 members who are from various disciplines (Physiology, Neurology, Clinical Endocrinology, Brain Surgery, Obstetrics and Gynecology, Genetics, Andrology, Pediatric Endocrinology) and from various institutions throughout Turkey.
In order to have a more frequent and across discipline interactions, TNED welcomes organizing joint meetings with other societies. TNED will make efforts seeking support from all possible sources so as to facilitate young researchers to attend national and international meetings and workshops.
TNED was granted with full membership to the International Neuroendocrine Federation on November 17, 2008.
Prof. Dr. Bayram Yilmaz
Yeditepe University Faculty of Medicine
Head of Department of Physiology
34755, Kayisdagi, ISTANBUL
Phone: +90 216 578 0675
E-mail: byilmaz@yeditepe.edu.tr